Astonish: To fill with sudden wonder or amazement
Assort: To separate into groups according to kind; classify.
Atop: To, on, or at the top.
Attitude: A position of the body or manner of
carrying oneself
Atypical: Not conforming to type; unusual or irregular.
Augur: To predict, especially from signs or
omens; foretell
Avert: To ward off (something about to
happen); prevent
Awe: The power to inspire dread.
Backing: Support or aid
Backbone: The
vertebrate spine or spinal column.
Balcony: A
platform that projects from the wall of a building and is surrounded by a
railing, balustrade, or parapet
Baptize: To admit into Christianity by means
of baptism
Barrage: An artificial obstruction, such as a
dam or irrigation channel, built in a watercourse to increase its depth or to
divert its flow
Barricade: A structure set up across a route of
access to obstruct the passage of an enemy
Basement: The substructure or foundation of a
Bash: To strike with a heavy, crushing
blow, strike hard
Basket: A
container made of interwoven material, such as rushes or twigs
Batsman: a person who bats or whose turn it
is to bat
Seal: The design or emblem itself,
belonging exclusively to the user,
Beard: the
hair growing on the lower parts of a man's face
Behave: To conduct oneself in a specified
Belong: To be a part of something else
Benign: Of a kind and gentle disposition
Bet: An agreement usually between two
parties that the one who has made an incorrect prediction about an uncertain
outcome will forfeit something stipulated to the other; a wager
Beverage: Any one of various liquids for
drinking, usually excluding water
Blind: Without seeing; blindly
Birch: To throb aggressively
Bitter: Causing a sharply unpleasant,
painful, or stinging sensation; harsh
Blackbeetle: dark
brown cockroach originally from orient now nearly cosmopolitan in distribution
Blanket: A
large piece of woven material used as a covering for warmth, especially on a
Bleb: An air bubble
Bleed: To emit or lose blood
Bless: is the infusion of something with
Bliss: a state of profound satisfaction,
happiness and joy
Bore: the diameter of a cylinder in a piston engine
Brandy: Alcoholic beverage
Brazing: is
a metal-joining process whereby a filler metal is heated above and distributed between two or
more close-fitting parts by capillary action
Law: is a set of norms, which can be seen both in a
sociological or in a philosophical sense
by malice
Mammal: are a class of air-breathing vertebrate animals characterized by the possession of hair, three middle ear bones, a neocortex, and mammary glands functional in mothers with young
Matter: is a
general term for the substance of which all physical objects consist
Mellow: to
make or become mellow
Mealting: is a
physical process that results in the phase change of a substance from a solid to a liquid
Memoir: a biography or historical account, ESP one based on personal knowledge
Mendicant: refers to begging or relying on charitable donations, and is most
widely used for religious followers or ascetics who rely exclusively on charity to survive
Merge: union of two things
Miss: is
an English language honorific traditionally used only for an unmarried woman
Mist: is
a phenomenon of small droplets suspended in air. It can occur as part of
natural weather or
volcanic activity, and is common in cold air above warmer water, in exhaled air
in the cold, and in a steam room of asauna
Mitre: is a type of headgear now known as the traditional,
ceremonial head-dress of bishops and
certain abbots in the Roman Catholic Church
Mixed: composed of different elements, races, sexes, etc.
Moat: is a deep, broad ditch, either dry or
filled with water, that surrounds a castle, building or town, historically to
provide it with a preliminary line of defence
Mob: a lot of people or persons
Mole: are the majority of the members of
the mammal family Talpidae in
the order Soricomorpha
Monk: a male member of a religious community bound by vows
of poverty, chastity, and obedience
Monocle: is a type of corrective lens used to correct or enhance the vision in only one eye
Moor: a tract of unenclosed ground, usually having peaty soil covered with
heather, coarse grass, bracken, and moss
Mortar: fires shells at a much lower velocity
and higher ballistic arc than other ordnance
Murder: is the unlawful killing of another
human being with "malice aforethought", and generally this state of mind distinguishes
murder from other forms of unlawful homicide
Muse: to reflect about something, usually in silence
Mutilate: is an act or physical injury that degrades the
appearance or function of any living body, usually without causing death
Mutt: an inept, ignorant or stupid person
Mutter: to utter (something) in a low and
indistinct tone
Nap: to sleep for a short while
Nark: an informer or spy, usually work for
the police in sometimes
Near: at or to a place or time not far
away from
Native: relating or belonging to a person or
thing by virtue of conditions existing at the time of birth
Nit: a person with severe mental retardation
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